
CVM News
CVM News

501(c)(3) Status


If you have any questions for us, please do not hesitate to ask. We may even include your question and our answer on this page to help others who want the same information. Simply, click a question to view the answer.

Why should I partner with Clear Vision Ministries?

Together we:

  • Help people in impoverished areas first-hand without multiple layers of administration and associated costs (you can join us). Help goes directly to the people in need.
  • Ensure over 85% of total contributions apply directly to CVM projects.
  • Change the lives of people and even generations for the better through schools, rescue facilities, orphanages and more.
  • Research every project for sustainability and long lasting help.
  • Achieve results quickly on most projects, giving the less fortunate opportunities they can not find on their own.
  • Send at least one CVM team leader on each project to make sure funding and work goes where it is supposed to.
  • Show photos and/or video for each project so you can see how you impact lives.
  • Take every measure to operate with integrity and honesty.
Are contributions to CVM tax deductible?

Yes. Clear Vision Ministries is recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization by the IRS. Contributions of funds, stocks, bonds and other types of contributions are all tax deductible. We will provide you with the appropriate paperwork accounting for your gift.

Who can contribute to CVM?

We accept contributions from individuals, businesses, foundations, organizations and churches. If you choose, you can make anonymous donations. At the end of each year, we send statements to contributors thanking them for their support, celebrating completed projects, presenting plans for the next year and providing proof of the year's donations for tax purposes.

How secure is the direct deposit form for online giving?

We use the industry standard SSL (Secured Sockets Layer) certificate to make sure the information on the Direct Deposit form is safe and secure. In a nutshell, each computer is assigned a unique code consisting of 256 numbers and letters that must be matched in order to view the encrypted information. Our website confirms this code with your computer and locks out all other computers from gaining access to the encrypted information because they don't have the code. In the few seconds it takes for your information to be sent to us, there is no time for other computers to break the code and access the information, even if they happened to know the exact moment the information would be sent (which a hacker would not know). Your information is not stored on any webserver or in a file accessible on the Internet.

What is the cost of a CVM project?

Project expenses range from $4,000 for consulting and training to upwards of $100,000 for large construction projects such as schools and orphanages with other types of projects at various cost levels. Travel expenses vary greatly depending on which part of the world we are going.

Can I direct contributions toward a specific project?

Yes, you can. Many of the donations we receive are given for specific projects. For example, if you prefer to fund a school (or other project) instead of providing a water filter, let us know. If the project is fully funded by the time we receive your gift, we will apply it toward a similar project in the near future.

How is my contribution used?

Currently, CVM uses a minimum of 85% of all income to pay for missions projects. Less than 15% of our income goes toward administrative expenses. Many other charitable organizations spend 50% or more of all donations on administrative expenses and some spend over 80% in the same way.

Funds are used to purchase raw materials for construction. We purchase medical supplies as needed. CVM pays for complete travel expenses of team members for projects.

How does CVM choose projects?

First and foremost, we ask God for guidance on which projects we should take on. Many projects come out of personal relationships with trusted individuals. We contact people we know to learn about the reputation of any person or group we work with outside of the country. As our reputation grows, more and more projects become available to us.

What cost is involved for an individual to travel and participate in a CVM project?

Expenses vary according to location and the length of time at the location. Generally, a 7 to 10 day project trip costs us $100 to $125 per day plus airfare per person. The cost covers food, lodging, in-country travel expenses, short-term medical insurance, visas and sometimes some entertainment. The cost listed on our upcoming projects page includes all out-of-country and airfare expenses per team member.

You can bring money to purchase souvenirs which vary by location. We suggest you bring at least $50 for souvenirs and incidental purchases.

Why have project costs increased over last two to three years?

Unfortunately, several factors have made it more expensive to work on various projects in the world:

  • Air travel cost has increased with fuel surcharges, increased taxes, baggage fees, airport fees and base prices.
  • Visa costs vary by country and often change without warning, always increasing in price.
  • Dollar valuations have dropped in some regions. For example, on the first CVM project in China, one dollar (USD) would turn into almost nine Chinese dollars. Last year, one dollar was worth approximately 6.2 Chinese dollars. This valuation change alone increased the costs in China by approximately 28%. (Exchange rates found online are always better than exchange rates found in a given country.)
  • Fuel costs have increased, creating higher prices for in-country travel.
  • Raw material costs are on the rise.
Does Clear Vision Ministries have a board?

Yes. The decision making team for CVM includes the president, vice-president and three other board members at this time. The members of our board have a wide range of experiences, specializations and knowledge in many different areas.

We are in constant communication with our board. They provide helpful insights and support to our ministry. We review the finances of CVM on a quarterly basis.