
CVM News
CVM News

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Romania in the wintertime is a cold place to be but the warmth felt by the people met on this trip more than made up for the cold temperatures felt outside. Partnering with the Kansas District A/G Women’s Ministries gave DeAnna a great opportunity to help impact the lives of thousands of people over a few short days.

Highlights of this opportunity include spending time with children in an orphanage and providing them with some needed items. Also, special opportunities were provided to allow missionaries Rick and Jan Cunningham to share some basic “how to’s” of life. Hundreds of children were overjoyed to learn how to brush their teeth properly. CVM helped to provide each child in attendance with his/her own toothbrush and toothpaste. The smiles on the children’s faces and the way they clung to these small investments in their lives was amazing.

Many women in Romania were overwhelmed by the love and treatment received during several different Women’s Tea events held by various team members. DeAnna had the privilege of sharing her life story and how God has made a difference in her life with many women at a tea. Local missionaries were amazed by responses women made at the Teas.

The people of Romania are so appreciative of the little things they received. Although a little impersonal at first, within a few minutes, women warmed up to the team and by the end of meetings were beginning to smile.

As always, there is not a enough room to cover everything seen, heard and experienced on these pages. Hopefully the pictures will give you a clue of the lives touched on this trip. Also, please look at a video of a very special project in a very rough part of Romania.

Clear Vision Ministries will be in Romania over the coming years and invites you to go to this historic European country.